Morton United FC
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Tournament Rules

A. Laws of the Game 

Except as noted below, we will conduct all games according to the FIFA Laws of the Game. 

B. Player Eligibility 

As outlined in the application and acceptance packages, the following USYSA age (for 2024-2025)

divisions apply:

Age Groups

Birth Year

Max Roster

Length of Games


Ball Size





2 x 20min

4v4 (no GK)*






2 x 20min

4v4 (no GK)*






2 x 25min







2 x 25min







2 x 30min







2 x 30min







2 x 30min







2 x 30min







2 x 35min







2 x 35min







2 x 35min







2 x 35min







2 x 35min





* U7 and U8 4 v 4 formats, all free kicks are indirect and there are no penalty kicks. Kick offs, free kicks, throw-ins and corner kicks are used to restart play when the ball goes out of bounds or into the goal.  

To maximize the experience of all our youth players during our 4v4 tournament games, no players will be allowed to defend inside the box outlined just outside both goals on the 4v4 fields. Goal box size 3 yards from each goal post and 3 yards out into the field of play. Players can move through the box without the ball, but no player either defense or offense may enter the box to make a play on the ball. If this occurs during a match and the defensive team plays the ball, the opposing team will be awarded a penalty kick from the halfway line. If the offensive team plays the ball, the result will be a goal kick to the defending team.  The penalty kick will be uncontested with all players behind the halfway line. Once the penalty kick is taken, if the ball goes into the goal the restart will be a goal kick, if the ball does not go into the goal the restart will always be a goal kick.

** U9 and U10 7 v 7 formats, offside will only be penalized between the build out line and goal line.

C. Team Eligibility 

A team may roster a maximum of four guest players. A team may not change its roster after submitting paperwork to tournament staff for on-site check in of pass cards and rosters. The following are the requirements for registration which MUST be uploaded electronically (some of this may be submitted early): 

1. A current Player Pass for each player. 

2. Copy of current state approved roster on file with Tournament Registrar. 

3. Tournament roster signed. 

4. Signed and dated medical waiver form -- US Club or IYSA. 

5. Guest players must have the same information to register (guest player form completed for each).

There are unique times when (with last minute injuries or illness) a team may need to share a player in order to have subs.   Clubs should seek approval from our tournament director and notify our tournament registrar with these requests. Clubs may not share players within the same division and no shared player shall be permitted to play more than 3 games a day. Shared players should be from a younger age team or from a lower level team but should not be playing in the same division. Any team caught violating this rule will be disqualified.  

D. Duration of Game 

All match durations shall be based on age division (see table in Player Eligibility). All games will be running time. There will be a maximum of 5 minutes between quarters/halves. The referee will not stop the clock except for serious injury. The tournament committee reserves the right to alter game length due to weather, injuries, or other delays. The first team on the schedule is the home team. The visiting team will kick-off, and the home team will have the choice of side.   

E. Build Out Line 

U7 and U8 4v4 formats will utilize a build out line.  On a goal kick, all opposing players must move behind the halfway line (the build out line). After the ball is put into play, the opposing players can cross the halfway line and play resumes as normal. U9 and U10 7v7 formats will utilize build out lines. When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play (receiving the ball from an opponent) or from a goal kick, all opposing players must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play. Once all opposing players are behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punting and drop kicks are not allowed). After the goalkeeper puts the ball into play, the opposing players can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal. The goalkeeper is not allowed to punt or drop kick the ball. If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, Referees may punish the infraction with an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the offense.

The build out line will also be used to denote where offside can be called. In other words, a player will only be penalized for being in an offside position when between the build out line and goal line. Players cannot be penalized for an offside between the halfway line and build out line.

After a goal is scored, play will stop, and the ball will be spotted a centerfield. Play will only commence upon the referee's whistle and/or direction.

F. Substitutions 

All teams may substitute without limitation during the game. Teams playing in the U7 and U8 4 v 4 formats can substitute at any time during the game (i.e. on the fly). All other formats, teams may substitute on any goal kick, kick-off or on a throw-in when their team has possession of the ball. If both teams have substitutes waiting on a throw-in, both teams will be allowed to substitute regardless of possession of the ball. A player may leave and reenter the game. 

G. Heading 

In accordance with US Soccer, heading the ball is now banned for players aged 10 and under. Purposefully heading the ball in all age groups U11 and below will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team.  

H. Ejection 

Any player or coach ejected from a game will be ineligible to participate at a minimum in that team’s next game. The coach will also not be eligible to participate in any game until after they serve their game suspension related to the original team. A team may not substitute for an ejected player. Anyone fighting will be ejected from further tournament participation. Player cards will be retained by the tournament for coaches or players that become ineligible to participate due to ejection. The cards will be returned to the team after the coach or player serves their suspension.  

I. Forfeits 

A minimum of three players constitutes a team for 4 v 4, five players for 7 v 7, six players for 9 v 9 and seven players for 11 v 11. A team must begin play if the minimum number of players are present at game start time. After the expiration of a ten-minute grace period, the Tournament will declare a forfeit. The Tournament will score the game 3 to 0, and the winning team will get 3 points. The Tournament Committee may eliminate a team forfeiting a game from further participation in the tournament. The Committee will review each situation individually.  

J. Uniforms and Equipment 

All players must wear shin guards. A player must wear his or her socks in a manner that completely covers the shin guards. Suggested home team wear light color and away team wear dark color. Each player on the team must wear the same team uniform. In the case of similar color uniforms, the Referee may instruct the designated home team to change uniforms. The designated home team will provide the game ball. 

K. Player, Coach, Parent, Spectator Conduct 

Coaches are responsible for the conduct of players, parents, coaches, and spectators at the field, hotel, or other locations for the duration of the tournament. If Morton United FC receives complaints regarding the conduct of any player or person associated with your team, the Tournament Committee may ask any and or all people to leave the tournament. In addition, the Tournament Committee reserves the right to ask a team to leave the tournament, declare any remaining games a forfeit, and may bar a team from future participation in our tournament. Both teams, including their coaches, shall be on the same side of the field. All other people must be on the opposite side of the field. The Tournament Director believes that an argument between parents and supporters of opposing teams is completely inappropriate conduct for adults.

Accordingly, Morton United FC encourages the parents and supporters of each team to stay on the half of the field opposite of their team and to limit their comments to support for their players. Making derogatory remarks about or to referees, opposing teams or their supporters shall be grounds for dismissal from the Complex. The Referee will ask anyone standing at the goal ends of the field to move. Coaches must remain with their team. We request that all coaches refrain from coaching on the spectator’s side of the field. 

During youth soccer events, the Morton Park District and Morton United FC strictly prohibit alcohol and smoking at their facilities. Possession of alcohol on complex grounds will cause immediate dismissal from the park and the potential for arrest by the Morton Police Department. Any player, coach, parent, or spectator caught fighting will be ejected from the remainder of the tournament. 

Dogs are not allowed in the park.

L. Preliminary Round 

We will divide age divisions with six, eight, or ten teams into two groups. Generally, teams with the most points in each group will qualify for semifinals. However, we reserve the right to schedule only a final game for any group. 

Any age division with less than 6 teams will play a round robin schedule. We will determine the final standings, and award first and second place on points earned during the round robin games.  

M. Points 

In the preliminary games, each victory (forfeit) is worth three (3) points and each tie is worth one (1) point. Teams do not earn any points for a loss. If there is a tie in the round robin or preliminary round standings, the Tournament Committee will use the following procedure to determine group winners, wild card teams, and final standings for round robin play: 

1. Head to head competition. The winner of the game, if any, played between the tied teams. However, if more than two teams are tied, then head-to-head competition will NOT be used for any purpose in determining tie breakers.

2. Most wins 

3. Best goal differential for all games (the maximum goal differential is 4 per game) 

4. Fewest goals allowed 

5. Most goals scored for a team (up to 4 goals per game). 

6. Penalty shots, according to the procedures described in the “overtime” section of the rules.

N. Ties (semifinals and finals)

For all age formats, if there is a tie at the end of regulation time in a semifinal or final round game, then the teams will determine the winner as follows: 

1. Teams will go through one round of regular penalty shot procedures with five (5) players shooting for each time. Only players on the field at the end of the game may take kicks. All players on the field must kick before a player may repeat. For 4v4 the penalty shot will be taken from the center mark at midfield and all players can participate in the penalty shots.

2. If the game is still tied at the conclusion of the first round of penalty kicks, then the teams will select 5 additional players to go to sudden victory penalty shot procedures.  These players can be any player on the team except for the five (5) who took the penalty kicks in the first round.

O. Awards (Team; Individual)

Morton United FC will award a team trophy (First Place) and individual player medals to the first and second place finishers U7-U19.  An individual participation medal will be awarded to all other placement for U7-U8. 

P. Protest 

In order to file a protest, a team’s head coach must present its protest in writing to the Tournament Headquarters within one hour of the completion of the game. A Referee’s judgment is not a basis for protest. The Tournament Committee’s decisions and or interpretations are final. There will be a protest fee of $100 that is only refundable if the team wins the protest. 

Q. Complaints 

Complaints to the tournament committee/staff will only be heard when presented by the coach of the affected team along with a team manager or assistant coach. There must be two Representatives from the team. 

R. Rain Policies/Act of nature cancellation 

The tournament committee reserves the right to:

1. Reschedule, relocate, or terminate games due to weather conditions. If ½ of the game has been played before termination for weather conditions or tournament director decision, the game stands as a completed match and is scored accordingly. NOTE: The Referee Assignor or Tournament Director may suspend a game without necessarily being terminated.

2. Reduce by up to half, the duration of the game.

3. Cancel a preliminary game that has no bearing in deciding the group winner.

4. Decide the final tournament standings, trophy winners.

5. Move penalty kicks to another field or area in order not to hold up other games. The tournament director has the right to change any of these rules or make a decision that would be in the best interest of the participants.

Neither the Tournament Committee nor Morton United FC are responsible for any expenses incurred by any team in the event games are discontinued or canceled due to inclement weather or adverse field conditions.

No refunds will be made unless the tournament is canceled, in which case refunds will be disbursed on a pro-rata basis with a full refund if the event is canceled before it starts. If the tournament is canceled due to an ‘” act of nature”, the tournament has the option of retaining 20% of the team entry fee. The tournament Committee reserves the right to decide all matters pertaining to the tournament, and the judgment is final.